NETS logo Clinical Calculator Change Log



Version Changes
16 Sep 2024
  • NEW New compact main menu page (as number of calculators, songsheets and tools list is growing)
  • NEW Hyperkalaemia Songsheet
  • NEW Medical Gas Consumption & Usage Calculator
  • NEW Oxygenation Index and Mean Airway Pressure Calculator
  • Neonatal & Paediatric Calculator: Added heparinised saline for intra-arterial line heparin lock
  • Neonatal Calculator: Added insulin for hyperglycaemia. Also added insulin & insulin-25% glucose for hyperkalaemia
  • Neonatal Calculator: Greatly expanded antibiotic section to include specific info on preparation & administration. As a consequence, reordered sections to optimise pagination when printed.
  • Paediatric Calculator: Dobutamine and dopamine infusions are now limited further by syringe concentration. also added bolus clonidine for sedation
  • KERS Calling Criteria: Added exclusions
  • General: Paediatric minimum weight reduced to 3 kg, infant maximum weight increased tp 16 kg
  • General: Added Neonate option to age calculation box for those tools that cover both paediatric & neonatal periods
  • General: Email feedback code updated
  • General: Minor text updates ± fixes
  • References: Updated for new songsheet
30 May 2024
  • NEW Supraventricular Tachycardia Songsheet
  • Paediatric Calculator: Adjusted dilutions for levetiracetam (Keppra®) based on weight
  • Neonatal Therapeutic Hypothermia Criteria: Cooling criteria reformatted & clarified, link updated to NSWHealth Newborn Encephalopathy Assessment Tool (Sarnat criteria)
  • References: Updated for songsheets
  • General: Minor text updates ± fixes
21 Mar 2024
  • Paediatric Calculator: Stat fluid bolus now 10 mL/kg. Adjusted dose range for levetiracetam (Keppra®)
  • Status Epilepticus Songsheet: Updated with 7th Ed APLS algorithm. Adjusted dose range for levetiracetam (Keppra®)
  • Diabetic Ketoacidosis Songsheet: Minor text updates
  • General: Minor text updates
  • References: APLS Manual updated to 7th Edition
  • Technical Support email link updated (
21 Feb 2024
  • Neonatal Calculator: Added hydralazine to bolus drugs. Added approximate gastric tube insertion lengths
  • Paediatric Calculator: Added hydralazine and also insulin-glucose (in hyperkalaemia) to bolus drugs. Amiodarone in cardiac arrest advice updated: drug given as a rapid bolus with a 5% glucose flush. Set maximum IM adrenaline 1:1000 dose in anaphylaxis to 500 μg (0.5 mL)
  • General: Minor text updates
  • References: Updated with neonatal weight-based gastric tube length formulae
15 Feb 2024
  • NEW Paediatric Calculator section: Added SPOC Between the Flags vital sign observation ranges. Changed stat fluid bolus to 10-20 mL/kg (max 1L)
  • Severe Asthma Songsheet: Adjusted maximum dose for hydrocortisone
  • General: Expanded allowable numeric data entry formats
  • References: Fixed typos & update Severe Asthma Songsheet references
7 Dec 2023
  • Neonatal Hypoglycaemia Songsheet: Glucagon infusion units corrected
  • Ad Hoc Fluid Concentrations Calculator: Added ability to get instructions for making up combined saline-glucose solutions
27 Nov 2023
  • Neonatal Hypoglycaemia Songsheet: Glucagon infusion instructions clarified & units corrected
  • Neonatal Calculator: Glucagon infusion preparation & starting rate made consistent with Neonatal Hypoglycaemia Songsheet
  • Paediatric Calculator: Optiflow Junior nasal prong sizing options and suggested flow rates updated
  • References: Updated for Neonatal Hypoglycaemia Songsheet
20 Oct 2023
  • NEW Birth Weight Centiles By Gestation: This calculator returns multiple birth weight centiles for a given gender and gestation
  • Neonatal Calculator: Amiodarone loading bolus amd maintenance infusion updated in line with latest (2023) Australasian Neonatal Medicines Formulary
  • Newborn Resuscitation at Birth: Although no changes to the chart (except for including a QR code and review date), the algorithm chart has been updated to the latest (Aug 2023) ANZCOR version
  • General: Printed pages now contain a warning regarding use of printed copies that may be outdated
  • General: Page formatting updates only - in part due to some browsers changing their print output
  • References: Newborn Resuscitation at Birth ANZCOR references updated
1 Sep 2023
  • NEW Major Burns Referral Songsheet: Details criteria for referral and retrieval of patients with significant burns and an outline of initial management
  • DKA Songsheet: Updated to be consistent with 2021 SCHN policy
  • Neonatal Bilirubin Therapy Calculator: Updated to allow calculation of age from time of birth and sample time
  • General: Minor text & internal processing changes to maintain consistency across tools
  • References: Updated
20 Jun 2023
  • Paediatric Calculator: Continuous maintenance infusions for calcium chloride and calcium gluconate added
  • Neonatal Therapeutic Hypothermia Criteria: Updated to be in line with 2023 ACI guideline
  • General: Minor text changes
  • References: Updated
15 May 2023
  • Paediatric Calculator: Correction to fentanyl volume in syringe for continuous infusion (dose in μg was correct)
21 Apr 2023
  • Paediatric Calculator: Amiodarone loading bolus amd maintenance infusion (for arrhythmias) updated in line with local PICUs. Dilutions adjusted to use the recommended maximum infusion concentrations where possible for different weight ranges and also separate entries for peripheral line and central line access
  • References: Updated
  • General: Customised error, confirmation and info alert dialogs added. Miscellaneous styling updates
6 Apr 2023
  • NEW Neonatal & Paediatric Calculator: In Continuous Infusions section - Dose in Syringe column renamed to Vial Dose in Syringe and the column now includes the pre-dilution dose volume as well as the dose in mass units, both based upon the vial content listed in the Drug column. Providing the volume is useful as most drugs are presented as a liquid in the vial
  • Neonatal & Paediatric Calculator: Nasal prong options in Miscellaneous Equipment now relate to the Optiflow™ Junior 2/2+ systems and allow up to 2L/kg/min flow on specified humidifiers
  • Neonatal Calculator: Argipressin (vasopressin) units simplified to just milliunits across all continuous infusions dosing columns
  • Paediatric Calculator: Sodium nitroprusside continuous infusion dilution, dose & rate clarified and updated for all weights
23 Mar 2023
  • NEW Neonatal & Paediatric Calculator: New section Miscellaneous Equipment added
  • Neonatal & Paediatric Calculator: Added advice to check sodium for argipressin infusion
  • Kids ECMO Referral Service (KERS) Calling Criteria: Some changes in wording.
26 Feb 2023
  • Kids ECMO Referral Service (KERS) Calling Criteria: Criteria updated and the tool removed from NCC menu unless user accessing from a NETS computer.
22 Feb 2023
  • Kids ECMO Referral Service (KERS) Calling Criteria: Another criterion (peri-arrest) added.
  • Neonatal Bilirubin Therapy Calculator: AAP Graphs updated
17 Feb 2023
  • NEW Neonatal Hypoglycaemia Songsheet
  • NEW Kids ECMO Referral Service (KERS) Calling Criteria
  • Neonatal Calculator: Argipressin (vasopressin) infusion added. ETT Size recommendations adjusted
  • Multiple Songsheets & Calculators: Stylistic adjustments and minor text changes
  • References: Updated for new tools
24 Jan 2023
  • Paediatric Calculator: Adrenaline routes and indications added, argipressin (vasopressin) infusion added, clarified heparin infusion diluents, weight threshold between lower & higher concentrations of insulin infusions tweaked and duration of vancomycin infusion increased for doses >500mg
21 Dec 2022
  • Neonatal Calculator: Added i-gel® sizes to supraglottic airways under the ETT table
18 Oct 2022
  • Menu: Hitting Enter (or Return) when the Calculate button is active will run the selected calculator/tool
  • Neonatal & Paediatric Calculator: Changed levetiracetam (Keppra®) dilution calculation to minimise number of vials used and be consistent accross both calculators
  • Paediatric Calculator: GTN infusion limited to 1 mg/mL concentration
  • Neonatal Calculator: Increased levetiracetam (Keppra®) dose range for consistency with Australasian Neonatal Medicines Formulary
11 Sep 2022
  • Neonatal Calculator: Alprostadil PGE1 (Prostin VR®) moved to correct alphabetical order
  • Neonatal & Paediatric Calculator: Added dose of adrenaline infusion to give in a cardiac arrest when no separate bolus doses are available
  • Paediatric Calculator: Added i-gel® sizes to supraglottic airways under the ETT table
22 Jul 2022
  • General: The estimated weight and normal range for children aged 1-16 is now based on 50th and 10th & 90th centiles of children from the NETS CRS database (>16,000 weight records) as they represent our population better than the Best Guess formula or the CDC weight centiles
  • Paediatric Calculator: Dobutamine & dopamine infusions now switch to a neat solution rather than reducing the dose when a 30mg/kg dose fills 50mL syringe
14 Jul 2022
  • Neonatal Calculator: Added ampicillin, cefotaxime, clindamycin, metronidazole & piperacillin-tazobactam to antimicrobial drugs
  • Paediatric Calculator: Added ampicillin, cefotaxime, clindamycin, metronidazole & piperacillin-tazobactam to antimicrobial drugs
  • Paediatric Calculator: Fentanyl infusion preparation changed to 50 μcg/kg in 50 mL allow a dose rate 1 mL/hr = 1 μcg/kg/hr for weights up to 50kg and then neat solution (2500 μcg/50 mL) used
30 Jun 2022
  • Neonatal Calculator: Fentanyl added to intubation drugs
23 Jun 2022
  • General: Styling & internal link updates
  • Neonatal Calculator: Advice added re use of PVC-free lines for amiodarone and in-line filters for amiodaraone & phenytoin
  • Paediatric Calculator: Advice added re use of PVC-free lines for amiodarone & insulin and in-line filters for amiodaraone, mannitol & phenytoin. Advice added re IM injection of cefotaxime and ceftriaxone. Fentanyl infusion preparation changed for weights<10kg to allow a dose rate 0.5μcg/kg/hr
17 May 2022
  • Paediatric Calculator: Midazolam buccal & intranasal doses added. Maximum midazolam doses set to 10 mg
  • DKA Songsheet: Minor change in wording
  • General: Tables distributed more evenly across pages when printed
19 Mar 2022
  • Neonatal Calculator: Dose volume correction for sildenafil infusion. Heparin dose given in units as well as volume of the 5000 units/5 mL preparation.
11 Feb 2022
  • Neonatal Calculator: Midazolam dilution concentration units changed to mg/mL from μg/mL for consistency and clarity.
21 Jan 2022
  • Neonatal Calculator: Suggested midazolam bolus dose changed to mid-range. Paracetamol IV bolus dose added
  • Paediatric Calculator: Preparation of levetiracetam (Keppra®) optimised.
  • Ad Hoc Fluid Concentrations Calculator: Information concerning standard IV fluid bag overfill added
13 Oct 2021
  • Resuscitation at Birth: Cuffed ETT size now included where appropriate
  • DKA Songsheet: Potassium replacement rate added
  • General: Minor formatting changes, improved browser/platform check
22 Sep 2021
  • Neonatal Calculator: Cuffed ETT size now included. Curosurf® moved to intubation section and optimal no. of 120 & 240mg vials calculated for dose. Amiodarone, caffeine, vitamin K added
  • Paediatric & Neonatal Calculators: Magnesium sulphate bolus infusion times added. Infusions section title changed to Continuous Infusions to differentiate from bolus doses given as a one-off infusion over a set time period
  • Antibiotics in Sepsis Calculator: New calculator
28 Jun 2021
  • Clinical Calculator Menu: Warning updated when weight is disproportionate for age.
10 Feb 2021
  • Clinical Calculator Menu: Warning is now displayed if the browser being used is not Chrome or Edge.
  • DKA Songsheet: Wording change for Insulin dose field.

NB Although the NETS Clinical Calculator works on all major browsers & platforms tested, output has been optimised for browsers that use the Chromium/Blink engines e.g. Google Chrome

28 Jan 2021
  • Ad Hoc Fluid Concentrations Calculator: Increased precision of volume to exchange when small volumes involved.

NB Although the NETS Clinical Calculator works on all major browsers & platforms tested, output has been optimised for browsers that use the Chromium/Blink engines e.g. Google Chrome

24 Dec 2020
  • Clinical Calculator Menu: Age calculation method fieldset moved above weight entry as more logical if the child's weight is unknown and using the age to estimate it
  • Neonatal Calculator: sildenafil added to Infusions section, heparin loading dose as per Children's Hospital at Westmead policy
  • Paediatric Calculator: loading dose heparin moved from Bolus Drugs to Infusions section to keep heparin dosing together. Also dosing now fully follows the Children's Hospital at Westmead policy
  • Asthma Songsheet: Corrected typo in dose/kg for azithromycin. The actual calculated dose was always correct
  • Paediatric Calculator & Asthma Songsheet: Clarified that azithromycin may be given PO or IV
  • Minor text & formatting changes

NB Although the NETS Clinical Calculator works on all major browsers & platforms tested, output has been optimised for browsers that use the Chromium/Blink engines e.g. Google Chrome

9 Dec 2020
  • Status Epilepticus Songsheet reformated to improve clarity of drug dose timings
  • Clinical Calculator Menu: DOB age calculation methods improved to use a date picker to aid input (browser-dependent). Where not available (e.g. Internet Explorer) the number of date formats accepted has been increased
  • Clinical Calculator Menu: estimated weight selection simplified - extra text removed and a button to utilise the weight estimated from the DOB or age in years only appears when valid
  • Throughout the NETS Clinical Calculator 0.9% Saline has been replaced with 0.9% sodium chloride
  • Minor text & formatting changes

NB Although the NETS Clinical Calculator works on all major browsers & platforms tested, output has been optimised for browsers that use the Chromium/Blink engines e.g. Google Chrome

30 Nov 2020
  • Version, browser & platform information included by default when email sent to Technical Support
27 Nov 2020
  • Neonatal calculator: Curosurf® added to bolus drugs
  • Neonatal calculator: Prostin® vial contents now listed
  • Paediatric calculator: naloxone added to bolus drugs
  • Paediatric calculator: Anticonvulsants section moved to first page on printed copy to be consistent with Neonatal Calculator and to allow for future expansion of bolus table
  • Disclaimer & Further Information text updated
  • Minor formatting updates
20 Nov 2020
  • All calculators, songsheets & tools in the NETS Clinical Calculator now come under a common version number and a release date for the version is also now supplied
  • The text on the button to use an estimated weight has been updated on the main menu page
  • File naming/format updates
  • Neonatal Cooling Criteria calculator: Added ability for Encephalopathy criterion to be determined by selecting examination features
  • Made styling more uniform between tools
  • Neonatal & Paediatric calculators: LMAs added and drug names now conform to TGA naming and 'Tall man lettering' conventions
  • Paediatric calculator: Levetiracetam initial dose changed to 40mg/kg, tranexamic acid loading dose & maintenance infusion added
  • Neonatal Cooling Criteria calculator: Encepalopathy severity stages table added
  • Song sheets (Asthma, DKA & Seizures) and tools (Neonatal Jaundice Therapy, Neonatal Cooling Criteria & Ad Hoc Fluid Concentrations) added to calculator
  • Some styling changes
  • Neonatal calculator: Standard fluid choices by age added to calculator
  • Neonatal & Paediatric calculators: Added the text 'vial contents' to Drug columns to clarify that the text under each drug name is not the dose
  • Neonatal & Paediatric calculators: Note added to the key to the effect that all drug doses are calculated for the IV route except where otherwise specified
  • Resuscitation at Birth calculator: Set ETT insertion lengths to unknown when no weight is given
  • Minor text & formatting changes to improve pagination on some devices
  • Paediatric calculator: Infusion units made considtent for clonidine, dexmedetomidine, glyceryl trinitrate & salbutamol
  • Paediatric & Burns calculators: Reverted to original maintenance fluid calculation (Holliday & Segar)
  • Paediatric calculator: Set maximum dose suxamethonium to 100mg
  • Paediatric calculator: Included salbutamol maximum infusion rate and allowed 1 mcg/kg/min for all weights
  • Version history available via link on menu page
  • Neonatal calculator: Corrected dilution text for anticonvulsant midazolam
  • Neonatal calculator: Supplied missing fentanyl units for bolus dose
  • Browser compatibility tweaks
  • Added instruction to clarify menu use
  • Weight entry fields hidden until a calculator tool is selected from the menu
  • Technical Support email link updated (
  • First version of web-based calculator
  • Neonatal calculator: Heparin infusion added, pancuronium removed, glucagon doses updated, general alignment with the Australasian Neonatal Medicines Formulary
  • Paediatric calculator: Clonidine & heparin infusions added, some Antimicrobials and Defibrillation/Cardioversion doses
  • Paediatric Burns Fluid calculator: updated
  • References for all calculated values included
  • Text & formatting changes
All rights reserved. NETS Version 5.9.0
Email: Feedback or Technical Support